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All translations - peterbald

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Results 41 - 60 of about 211
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Source language
Engels I don't speak Turkish, so please write in English...
I don't speak Turkish, so please write in English or German.

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Türkçe konuşamıyorum, lütfen İngilizce yazınız...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgaars Днес основни производители на чубрица са Франция...
Днес основни производители на чубрица са Франция и балканските страни, като особено популярна е балканската чубрица. Балканската чубрица (Satureja montana) е от вид покритосеменни растения от семейство Устноцветни (Lamiaceae). Най-добре виреее по сухите каменисти склонове, главно източни и планински. Обича да е на припек и при наличие на варовик в района. Балканската чубрица цъфти от средата на юли, а масово – през август.

Vertalings gedaan
Duits Heutzutage sind Frankreich und die Balkanländer...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russies Красота правит миром
Красота правит миром.

Vertalings gedaan
Duits Schönheit regiert die Welt
Source language
Engels I was so stressed out because we were late and it...
I was so stressed out because we were late and it was so difficult to express myself in Russian when we talked on the phone.
It was so good that Viktor managed to go to the train station and met them.
Just before arriving in Uzhgorod, the police stopped us and we also had to pay a fine for overspeeding.
You have dialed the wrong number.
male speaking

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Стресс перед отъездом
10Source language10
Romeens Nu putem controla ceea ce ni se întâmplă sau ceea...
Nu putem controla ceea ce ni se întâmplă sau ceea ce gândim sau simţim, însă putem controla ceea ce spunem! Nu mai spune niciodată "te iubesc", lasă să o simtă, altfel din nou o poţi răni pe cea care te iubeşte. Am ales un nou drum şi tocmai de aceea e ultima dată când îţi scriu ceva, dar voiam să-ţi spun că îmi pare rău că în ultimul timp poate te-am deranjat mai mult decât era cazul şi îmi pare rău că nu am putut rămâne amici, însă cu siguranţă e mai bine aşa... aşadar, nu pot decât să-ţi urez să fii fericit.
Edited: "altfel din nou poţi răni pe ceea ce te iubeşte" -> "altfel din nou o poţi răni pe cea care te iubeşte".

Vertalings gedaan
Duits Wir können unseren Schicksal...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgaars В кой град живеете?
В кой град живеете?

Vertalings gedaan
Duits In welcher Stadt wohnen Sie?
Source language
Engels Pet related
Unfortunately he is not playing. He clearly attacks her. At the beginning they got along very well, but then one day all of a sudden he attacked her. He viciously attacks her each time they meet.
male speaking

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Про питомцев
Source language
Engels He settled in very well in his new home. The...
He settled in very well in his new home. The first 3-4 days he was quite shy, but then quickly made friends with my other cat. It took him a little bit more to get used to my dog, but now everything is fine and he is not scared of Lara anymore.
On our return to Romania, the veterinarian at the border crossing point told us that we also needed a veterinary certificate for domestic dogs, cats and ferrets entering the European Community for non-commercial movements (such as the one found here www.***.com). He was kind enough to grant us permission to enter the country even without this certificate. We were lucky.
male speaking

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Он очень хорошо устроился в своем новом доме
Source language
Engels I have spoken with my family and we came to the...
I have spoken with my family and we came to the conclusion that it would be better to meet in Mukachevo.
The same train that goes to Uzhgorod (via Chop), also passes through Mukachevo.
male speaking

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Я разговаривал со своей семьей
Source language
Bulgaars Уважаеми гости
Уважаеми гости,

Ако искате апартамента Ви да бъде почистен моля поставете табелка „Моля почистете“ или ни уведомете на рецепцията на хотела на телефон 600.Нашите камериерки ще почистят във времето от 10 до 16 h.

Ако желаете да ползвате интернет, моля обърнете се към рецепция за да получите кабел.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Dear guests,
Russies Уважаемые гости
Duits Sehr geehrte Gäste
Source language
Frans Bon... Trop tard pour souhaiter la bonne année,...
Bon... Trop tard pour souhaiter la bonne année, je suis bien pris par mon travail actuel, mais je pense à vous tout de même, [b]chers amis et collègues de[/b] :1: ;)

[userid=91733] et [userid=21837] assurent toujours l'administration, et ils sont maintenant secondés par [userid=21383], [userid=76309] et [userid=140952], également de rudes travailleurs! ;) :)

Nous avons maintenant une rubrique [link=k_v_825_]FAQ[/link], qui était, paraît-il, très demandée, et aussi de nouveaux experts très jeunes et très compétents, la valeur n'attend pas le nombre des années! -%!

Autre nouveauté, mais pas des moindres, nous avons désormais une barre de recherche google interne au site, et c'est un grand avantage pour les usagers, membres assidus, experts et admins qui recherchent des textes déjà traduits sur :1: :)

Ce n'est un secret pour personne, je suis trés occupé par mon travail d'indépendant dans les jeux vidéos. Si vous souhaitez voir pourquoi je ne me connecte pas assez souvent, vous pouvez allez visiter les [url=]jeux iPhone que je réalise[/url].

D'ailleurs je suis beaucoup plus réactif sur [url=]twitter[/url] si vous voulez me joindre.
News for the site

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Too late for the happy new year...
Noors For sent for et godt nytt år...
Deens For sent for at ønske godt nytår...
Kroasies Pre kasno je za zaželjeti vam sretnu novu godinu,
Farsie-Persies خوب... برای تبریک سال نو دیر شده
Romeens Ei bine...E cam târziu acum să vă urez un an bun...
Italiaans Beh, troppo tardi per augurare buon anno...
Spaans Es muy tarde para desear feliz año nuevo
Bulgaars Добре де..... Твърде късно е да честитя Новата година,...
Portugees Bom... é demasiado tarde
Sweeds Ok... för sent att önska gott nytt år
Nederlands Te laat voor een gelukkig nieuw jaar...
Litaus KÄ… gi...
Pools Cóż… Za późno na życzenia noworoczne
Katalaans Bé... És massa tard per a desitjar un bon any
Hongaars Boldog új évet kívánni már késő
Turks Tamam…iyi yıl dileği için çok geç
Oekraïenies Що ж... Надто пізно вітати з Новим Роком
Grieks Είναι αργά για τα χρόνια πολλά...
Duits Nun gut... Es ist ein bisschen zu spät
Serwies Dobro, kasno je da vam poželim Novu godinu...
Esperanto Nu... Tro malfrue por bondeziri pri nova jaro...
Sjinees vereenvoudig 迟来的新年快乐
Fins Tuota... On liian myöhäistä toivottaa hyvää uutta vuotta...
Bosnies No... Pre kasno je za zaželjeti vam sretnu novu godinu,...
Letties Labi… Apsveikt jūs Jaunajā Gadā jau par vēlu,…
Albanies Është shumë vonë për të uruar vitin e ri
Viëtnamees Quá muá»™n cho lời chúc mừng năm má»›i....
Bretons Ma ... Re ziwezhat eo da souetiñ ur bloavezh mat deoc'h
Hebreeus מאוחר מדי ל"שנה טובה"...
Russies Что же.… Слишком поздно поздравлять с новым годом
Thai อวยพรปีใหม่ช้าไปหน่อย...
Source language
Engels I don't know Russian well, so it takes a while...
My Russian is very poor, so it takes a while until I write an e-mail.
male speaking

Vertalings gedaan
Russies I don't know Russian well...
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